Grade 3 White Water Rafting

This is the ideal one day white water river trip for families with children as young as eight and those who want to experience white water rafting on the Nile without the intensity of grade 5 rapids.

Grade 3 White Water Rafting

Warm water, safe pools to swim, islands full of birds and fisherman in dugouts combine with fun and white water adventure to make this the perfect family and friends day out on the Nile.

The grade 3 rapids are fun without being overwhelming so there’s plenty of white water action, but also time to sit back, relax and enjoy your surrounds and have the occasional water fight.

Grade 3 White Water Rafting
Free photos
Our expert photographers capture all the smiles, so you can relive the adventure for years to come.

Duration: 15 kms • 4 - 5 hours on the river
Dress: • Light clothing, shorts & t-shirt are ideal. • Lots of suntan lotion & a cap.
Fitness Level: • 8 years Minimum weight 30 kg. • Under 18’s – guardian conditions apply. • We recommend that children under 16 be accompanied by an adult. • No rafting experience necessary, however clients should be water confident & reasonably fit.

Pack: • Towel & a change of clothes for the end of the day. • Any medication you require. • Money for optional extra’s

Grade 3 White Water Rafting

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