Best time to visit Uganda & Rwanda

Best time to visit Uganda

Uganda is favored by the tropical climate generally which hinders the occurrence of winter seasons also necessitating that the country has hot temperatures all year around. This signifies that travelers are free to arrange for an itinerary in the Pearl of Africa all year around however the dry seasons offer the best Uganda safari experience.

The country has two dry seasons; one that begins in December until February and the second one which stretches from June to mid-September with an average temperature of 270C in the afternoon, 160C in the morning and colder in areas that have high altitudes. The northern region of the country is excluded from the tropical belt, with only one wet season which stretches from March to October.

Therefore, tourists who wish to spend their time exploring Murchison falls, Mountain Moroto, Kidepo valley national park shouldn’t be afraid of various climate restrictions since this area has only one wet season throughout the year.

Best time to visit Rwanda.

Rwanda has a tropical climate that is characterized by four regions which include highlands that comprise the undulating hills famed for in the country, Lake basins around Lake Kivu, eastern plains and central plateau.

Rwanda experiences rains throughout the year because of its wavy nature that is made of various mountains and visitors are welcomed in the country throughout the year but the best time to visit this country is during its dry seasons that stretch from June to August and December to February with temperatures ranging from 25 to 27 degrees Celsius.

Visitors are advised to carry warm clothes while traveling to Rwanda because of its cool temperatures. Days and nights are usually warm offering a cool environment. Unlike other itineraries like gorilla trekking, the optimum time for chimpanzee trekking in Rwanda is the wet season of March to May and October to November. It is paramount to trek these pleasant primates during challenging season because trekking these gigantic forest gems becomes easier as they don’t move deep into the forest in search for food as the forest is always stocked with fruits and enough food.

Why is dry season the best time for taking safaris in Uganda and Rwanda?

It is vital to engage in activities like primate and gorilla trekking during the dry season because the forest floors are not damp. Trails and other routes are passable since they have less mud and not prone to sliding.

Dry season is perfect for savannah wildlife because the vegetation at this time reduces and water sources act like a magnet to all animals in the park. This helps tourists to spot a variety of animals without straining because they will glimpse at all of them from the same place.

The dry season offers clear and bright skies. This helps travelers who are interested in photography and filming to capture more clear pictures than those that would be taken during the wet season when the sky is dark.

Traveling during the dry season is less strenuous since the roads are passable as they are not muddy and filled with water. Some of the roads that lead to some national parks and other tourism sites are located in remote areas that have poor road network. Traveling during the dry season helps travelers beat the challenges that they would have faced during wet season and since the sky is bright and clear, visibility is also good.

The trio countries that are found in the Virunga massif are graced with rare beauty of mountain gorillas but they exist in these countries because of the favorable natural habitats that are found in these countries collected together to form the Virunga ranges.

Some of the Virunga mountains are shared between two or all of the three countries but DR. Congo stands out because it has three mountains that are entirely found in its interior with two of them being active.

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