Altitude Sickness & Gorilla Trekking

Finding and seeing the gorillas like mountain gorillas in the natural jungle of Africa is one of the hot adventures each tourist wishes to do while on a safari to Africa. The gorilla safari takes tourists to Virunga national park in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Kahuzi-Biega national park in DR Congo, Volcanoes national park in Rwanda and in Uganda, find the gorillas in both Bwindi and Mgahinga national parks.

Tourists normally discuss how the gorilla trekking experience was mostly on online platforms such as TripAdvisor and this has motivated more tourists to start planning ad adding this great adventure to their bucket lists. Gorillas live in both highlands and lowlands depending on the specie and mountain gorillas are the most visited and fascinating wildlife. This means that they live at high altitudes of about 8000 to 13000 ft above sea level.

Tourists get in touch with the mountain gorillas during the gorilla trekking experience as they interact while taking memorable photos. Since mountain gorillas are the most sought-after other gorillas, due to the nature where they live one needs to be physically fit to be able to reach their location, trekkers require alot of breaks before meeting the gorilla family trekked. Since the altitude, if frustrating and tiring but serious and severe altitude sickness is not always a problem for trekkers.

The ranger guides are well knowledgeable and trained to provide the best experience through walking at the pace of the slowest trekker. Gorilla trekking is an adventure which offers hours one of one interaction with the gorillas hence called a magical hour. The overall experience can take about 1 to 7 hours and is of great adventure in your lifetime. This altitude where the the mountain gorillas live is so challenging depending on the region or national park. For instance, it’s more challenging in Mgahinga national park than in Bwindi National Park.

Trekking the gorillas is only in the morning and only in one shift. Briefing begins at around 07:00 hours and by 08:00 hours, setting off into the jungle to begin the jungle. The rules and regulations will be well explained to the park ranger guide and among them include; don’t feed wildlife, don’t use flashlight cameras, always keeping a distance, do not eat in the presence of the gorillas and many more. Be allocated to the gorilla family to visit which will depend on the interests, age group, body fitness and more.

To avoid all altitude sickness during your gorilla trekking experience, you need to take a pre-training exercises such as walking for long distances, taking a hike back home, muscle stretching and yoga classes. This will make your body stable and fit hence preparing for the best gorilla trekking adventure without altitude sickness.

As you plan to take a gorilla trekking safari to Africa, plan to get a gorilla trekking permit in advance since it’s like a film ticket. This permit in other words is the password to visit the gorilla family. Each country has its price for gorilla permits depending on the demand, conservation measures and many more. A gorilla permit costs are as follow; for the case of Uganda, USD700, and USD700 and 250,000 UGX for foreign non-residents, foreign residents and East African citizens respectively. For the case of Rwanda, the gorilla permit goes for USD1500 and for the case of the Democratic Republic of Congo the permit goes for USD 400 for foreigners and USD 200 For the Congolese.

As you plan your gorilla trekking safari, select the best month mainly the dry season, the right clothing, and carry the necessary materials such as binoculars, cameras, mosquito repellent, rain jacket, hiking boots and many more in order to conquer altitude sickness on your gorilla trekking.

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