1 Day Murchison Falls Wildlife Safari

The one-day tour takes you to Murchison Falls National Park located in the Albertine area of Northwestern Uganda. Murchison Falls NP is Uganda’s biggest park, and home to a huge concentration of big game species, birds, primates, and reptile species. Your day excursion includes a game drive and boat cruise in Murchison Falls NP to see the park’s diverse wildlife.

1 Day Murchison Falls Wildlife Safari

Murchison Falls National Park supports 76 mammal species including leopards, lions, buffaloes, elephants, giraffes, warthogs, and primates such as baboons, chimpanzees, black and white colobus monkeys. 451 bird species and several reptiles like the Nile crocodiles occur in this park. Murchison Falls National Park is one of Uganda’s oldest parks, created in 1952 and its borders stretch covering a land area of 3,840sq.km. It is here where the world’s most powerful falls- the Murchison Falls is found.

Murchison Falls National Park is accessible from Kampala 305km, about 5-6 hours drive. This is Uganda’s extensive savanna park surrounded by 4 districts in the Northwest: Buliisa, Nwoya, Masindi, and Kiryandongo districts. One-day Murchison Falls NP safari begins and ends either from Kampala or Masindi. Setting off from Kampala means you must leave very early since it involves driving for about 5-6 hours to Murchison Falls National Park.

Detailed Itinerary.

After a hefty breakfast in your hotel in Masindi, drive to Kichumbanyobo gate on the Southern side of Murchison Falls NP about 85km journey. Clear with the park official at the gate and drive through the Kaniyo-Pabidi Forest while keeping an eye on the playful baboons. You will be exploring any of park’s game tracks during a short morning guided game drive; Buligi, Victoria, or Pakuba.

During a game drive, expected sightings for the day include the big game (lions, leopards, buffaloes, elephants), antelope families (Jackson’s hartebeest, oribis, Uganda Kobs, bushbucks, waterbucks), the Rothschild giraffes, and you will have lunch break.

1 Day Murchison Falls Wildlife Safari

At 2:00 pm, connect to Paraa Jetty to begin your boat excursion to the bottom of the falls. The epic boat tour comes with magical sightings of aquatic life such as crocodiles, hippos, birds such as herons, egrets, skimmers, bee-eaters, and more. Leave the boat once you have reached the base of the falls, and begin hiking 45 minutes to the top of falls to observe it while it squeezes itself into a narrow rock of 8m before falling 45m deep. After taking pictures, meet your driver guide and drive back to Masindi.

For guests who may consider longer stay, you can also take part in sport fishing, Delta boat cruise, birding excursions, chimpanzee tracking and chimpanzee habituation experiences in Budongo forest, nature walk, hot air balloon experience, and more.

End of tour

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